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Euphorbia-Daghmous honey - 250 g

Euphorbia-Daghmous honey - 250 g

Regular price €15.90 EUR
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Excellent honey used for its medicinal benefits. Its typical taste is both strong and pronounced, slightly bitter and spicy.

Highly appreciated by the greatest honey connoisseurs for the particularity of its taste, daghmous honey comes from the cactus.

Very effective against asthma, it is also used in cooking to enhance dishes and give them a unique flavor.

The origin of daghmous honey from Morocco

From a geographical point of view, this honey is harvested in the Souss region in the south of Morocco . More precisely in the town of Taroudant, surrounded by two mountain ranges and opening onto the Atlantic.

The climate is conducive to the development of agricultural crops and the region makes it a specialty. With the floral diversity present, beekeepers have the means to produce many varieties of honey.

Daghmous honey also called cactus honey therefore comes from the only plant that is the cactus, it is therefore a monofloral honey. Although its honey is edible, the plant from which it comes does not appear to be. Which makes this plant even more mysterious, which is both dangerous in its natural state and edible in the form of honey.

Coming from the cactus, logically considered a cactoid and thorny plant, this honey is also called by the general public euphorbia/daghmous honey. This honey is part of the entire range of Moroccan honeys, each of which is subject to our strict quality process.

The benefits of daghmous honey

The virtues present in each of the honeys would be nothing without the qualitative and careful work of the beekeepers. The working methodology being clear, the objective is just as clear: to extract the honey produced by the bees in a raw manner and maintain its quality level at its maximum.

Daghmous honey, like it, is unique in its kind, due to its origin (from the cactus) but also its taste. It is the opposite of what we imagine of a honeyed taste. In addition to this, it is a concentrate of numerous therapeutic benefits:

- It is one of the only honeys that actively treats concerns related to allergic asthma

- It will be particularly effective in fighting eye diseases related to the eye.

- This honey will be a real ally for those suffering from hypertension.

- Effective against cardiovascular diseases.

- Regulates concerns related to sexual impotence and infertility just like the natural plant chajarat Mariam (Jerricho rose) . It helps revitalize the male and female genitals.

- Treats sore throats and coughs.

- Promotes the disappearance of nasal infections.

- Helps fight throat infections such as angina.

- fights viruses like Covid.

- But also contributes to the disappearance of oral infections.

- Very good tonic for the body and muscles.

- Helps fight against respiratory diseases just like nigella .

- It is a good ally for those suffering from diabetes.

- Warms the body thanks to the properties of the plant from which this honey comes.

- Also helps destroy ovarian cysts and endometriosis cysts.

Taste and visual qualities of this honey from Morocco

Rather refined and increasingly rare, Moroccan darmous honey will surprise you with its unique taste. Indeed, it is quite strong and bitter.

By consuming Moroccan daghmous honey, you will be surprised by the warming side it provides. A real effect on the organism and the whole body. Indeed, the natural composition of this honey is exceptional: rich in vitamins, mineral salts and enzymes. It could be described as a true natural antibiotic.

Its texture allows it to be easily consumed. You will find no difficulty in enjoying this powerful honey coming from the depths of the Moroccan desert. To make it easier to consume, you can dilute it in water.

Usage tips

Daghmous honey can be used in fertility treatment. Coupled with palm pollen , it becomes a powerful 100% natural medicine. Thus making it possible to eliminate all sexual impotence and regain fertility.

It is primarily used for its therapeutic qualities; it is not widely used to season dishes, just like orange tree honey . This is because of its strong and bitter taste. Although the warming side of the latter makes up for these first sensations.

It is entirely honorable to use daghmous honey from Morocco in very cold weather to give a breath of warm air to your entire body. And thus, treat the illnesses that result from it.

As you will have understood, this honey is mainly used for its medicinal qualities rather than for pleasure. This is why we strive to provide you with as much information as possible on all of our products.

How to store daghmous honey?

In order to preserve all the taste and therapeutic qualities of daghmous honey, we advise you to store it at room temperature. Do not expose it to direct sunlight, the ambient temperature should be between 10 and 40 degrees. Beyond these temperatures, your honey will no longer have any of its qualities.

If you store the honey in a place that is too cool, below 10 degrees, the crystallization process will be accelerated. Although the latter will not damage your product in any way, this situation should be avoided. You will need to put your honey in a bain-marie to restore its initial texture. Crystallization is actually the hardening of honey.

Another precaution should also be taken, that of keeping Moroccan darghmous honey dry, away from humidity. This way you can prevent it from fermenting.

We advise you not to give this honey to a child under 2 years old as a simple precautionary measure. The therapeutic qualities of this honey do not replace a consultation with your doctor. Also discover the natural plant Chajarat mariam to fight against infertility!

Resiniferous spurge ( Daghmous ) is a plant of the Euphorbiaceae family native to Morocco . Its honey, sought after for its medicinal action as a tonic and to treat sore throats , also helps treat allergic asthma . Promotes fertility in women

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